A short post today for reasons that will become obvious. I went to the gym and here is the graph.
The run went pretty well. The biggest problem I had was a bit of muscular discomfort in the legs. I am sure knees are coping better with running and recovering faster though.
My game plan was to start a bit slower today so that I didn't peak too soon. I stuck to a speed of 8.0 which kept me mostly in Zone 4 and I didn't have too much problem regulating my breathing and distracting myself from the doubts that creep into my mind telling me to stop. In fact the first 3 minute run went very quickly. The 5 minute runs where a bit harder but I made it through ok. On the last one I dropped the speed to 7.8 which plataeud the HR at about 166. This was the only time I got into Zone 5 and I was relatively comfortable maintaining this. As my HR got up into the high 160s I dropped the speed and it steadied out. That was about halfway through the 5 mins. Not too much problem seeing it through (leg discomfort aside).
I might have been a bit flat as I realised about half way through the run that I hadn't eaten any breakfast. What, you may wonder, would make a man like me forget to eat breakfast? Well try having someone shot dead in your front yard. That will take your mind off your Cheerios, trust me.
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